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Fundraising is an integral aspect to the ongoing success of the Minden Skating Club . Fundraising helps cover the cost of a a variety of Skating Club activities, including ice rentals, skater badges, and program equipment. 


Exciting New Fundraising Incentive for the 2024-2025 Season!

We are thrilled to introduce a new fundraising initiative for the upcoming season that benefits both our club and your skater! Here’s how it works: 50% of the profits from our fundraising efforts will directly support the club, helping to keep our operating costs affordable for all families involved. The remaining 50% will go into your skater’s account, where these funds can be applied towards registration payments, test fees, and more. This dual benefit not only strengthens our club’s financial health but also provides a direct advantage to each participating skater. Stay tuned for more details on how you can get involved and maximize your support for our skating community!